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  • Writer's pictureRoberta Ruddy

Sticks and stones – What’s in a word?

As kids in the elementary school playground, lots of “not so nice” things were said and nasty tricks were played fairly routinely. All in a day’s work, even then. I recall vividly that when a participant/victim had had enough verbal abuse, it was met with the chant- “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me!”

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me!

Looking back on this bold retort through the eyes of an adult, I must respectfully disagree. While stick and stones can do quite a job on a body, I would say that words pack even a more sinister wallop. Words can hurt (or help) more than we ever thought back then.

Think of the times you beat yourself up for something- I am such a jerk; I am no good at this; I can’t cope and I feel like a loser. You get the gist.

Think of the times you judge others- I hate that guy, what a snake; he is such an empty suit; he just brings everybody down...sticks and stones

Right now, you are certainly acknowledging that you have used similar if not nastier language and I would ask you to reflect on how this has made you feel. Uplifted and positive? Doubtful. Maybe sad and demoralized or ready to let someone else’s perceived shortcomings make you into a victim. These words have altered your positive energy to negativity and created a storyline that you may choose to buy into to your detriment.

Sticks and Stones and Words Can Hurt

Words have power. Words can heal and words can hurt.

Try to bring consciousness into every word you speak. Think of how what you say enhances or takes away from the moment. Do your words reinforce fears or feed into a narrative that no longer has value? Not only do your words impact you, they impact those around you. Speak thoughtfully and as though each word had the potential to wound as deeply as a well-placed stick or stone.

I would also advise that you steer clear of the negative words of others. Hearing words that are negative, mean spirited or divisive should be avoided. If you cannot avoid these negative interactions, you can try to redirect the conversation or acknowledge internally that these words do not serve you or anyone else and try to get out of the situation as soon as possible.

Language is beautiful and powerful. Nothing is a throwaway line. Word.

Contact me today to discuss how we can help you cope with the sticks and stones in your life.

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